Pure Collection



A tasting glass for spirits and coffees.


Enhance aromas and magnify aesthetics when tasting coffee or spirits.


A partnership with master glassmakers of excellence (La Rochère), whose original allure nevertheless retains an elegant sobriety at the service of a unique sensory experience.


Give greater depth and intensity to quality moments by revealing products of excellence through the shape of their containers.

Internal gain for the company?

A craftsman's gesture that demonstrates the intelligent skills of designers and master glassmakers.

What's in it for the end user?

Sensory subtlety is heightened by the elegance of an aesthetically pleasing line and the release of aromas that limit the negative effects on health (alcohol content, coffee acidity).

The jury's opinion?

The designer's artisanal, creative, concrete and relevant approach won over the jurors. Stable, stackable, practical and recyclable, this object of use offers a rich emotional universe and a unique sensory experience. The jury greatly appreciated the study into the elimination of the rare earths present in the material's composition. The jury was seduced by the global approach of this innovation, which features all the 5E criteria.

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